Magistra Theadora Perplexa
(Tracy Haworth)
(Texts & calls welcome between 9AM and 8:30PM.)
Lord Lorenz Langenacht
(Larry Robrock)
Reservation Steward
Lady Eua of Newcastle
Feast Steward
Honorable Lord Konrad Reinhard
Feast will be a dayboard from 10AM to 4PM
Please call or text 850-443-7885 between 9AM and 9PM.
(Leave a message if there is no answer.)
Heavy Weapons Marshal In Charge
His Excellency Ardien Dochessford, KSCA, OP, OL
Rapier and Cut & Thrust Marshal in Charge
His Excellency Miklos von Baeker, OP, OL
Class Coordinator
Lady Alinora Kyte
Please text 850-272-4272
Archery Poker Shoot Contact
Brian: Call or text 850-276-1023 or email